Thunder snow and narwals… ah the things you will learn at For example, I learned that a recent study has found that the narwal is now the most vulnerable animal to global warming due to its restricted geographic distribution, specific migration routes, and specialized diet, a distinction previously held by the polar bear. I also was amazed to learn that a blue whale’s heart is the size of a mini cooper (the car that is) and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds (weighing in slightly less than the car).
And speaking of animals affected by climate change, I also recently learned of the plight of the mountain-dwelling American pika. Never heard of it? Me neither, but it’s adorable! It is a small mammal with thick fur, which calls rocky mountain areas with cool temperatures home. Too bad, that type of habitat is fast disappearing due to an overall warming of our climate. To put it more ominously, “scientists are concerned that pikas are now running out of room as they move to higher locations in the mountains.” Noooooo!
Here’s a photo I found of the aftermath of the first Earth Day on the Mall in DC. It’s disappointing to see trash everywhere, the downside of bringing too many activists together in one place, I guess. There is one life goal to live by; try to be less of a trash producer.

The after math – April 23, 1970
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