Other new webpages this week: http://www.cooswatershed.org/knotweed.html (a new Knotweed Resource Page about two very invasive plants in the Coos watershed with lots of great pictures and other resources), http://www.cooswatershed.org/isthmus_coffee_klatch_2009.html (a new page all about the Isthmus Assessment that is starting this summer and the first round of Coffee Klatch meetings that are starting this month), and http://www.cooswatershed.org/staff.html (now has clickable links to individual biographies for each staff member).
Now I’m off to practice my presentation for the Sunrise Rotary Club tomorrow (maybe I should have practiced getting up at 6 am too…).
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ReplyDeleteFirstly, no human should ever be getting up at 6 am.. of course I'm nocturnal so perhaps you can hear the slight bias in my type.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, in reference to your previous post, did you know one of the most effective ways of countering antifreeze poisoning is ethanol? Thus if you ever get antifrozened (poisoned) a bottle of finely tuned gin & or vodka will save your life.
Thirdly, apologize for the multiple comments if they appear.. blogspot is glitching out on me. G'day.
*floats away.